
Think You Know Every Good Eatery in Your Area? BiteMojo Begs to Differ


So you’ve finally found a room in a WG for under €500 a month in Kreuzberg or Neukölln. You’ve hauled all your belongings up four flights of stairs. You’ve met your new WG mates, who are all aspiring DJs. What’s next? Explore your new neighbourhood and find something to eat, of course. Except your new-found … Read more Think You Know Every Good Eatery in Your Area? BiteMojo Begs to Differ

Auf der Jagd nach 500,- € in Bar – Schatzsuche mit Saya in Berlin


Schon als Kind hast du immer von einer abenteuerlichen Schatzsuche geträumt? Du hast all die Piraten aus deinen Kinderbüchern darum beneidet, die sich auf die Suche nach einem großen Schatz machen durften? Du wolltest immer einer der Goonies sein, mit Freunden auf der Jagd nach einem kostbaren Schatz? Diese Sehnsucht kam erneut über dich, als … Read more Auf der Jagd nach 500,- € in Bar – Schatzsuche mit Saya in Berlin

This Free Bar Crawl is the Key to Friendship in your New Berlin Life


New in the city? Want to meet people and make new friends? Simple – get very drunk, throw your arms around someone nearby and tell them you love them. Caution: this strategy works best in controlled environments with like-minded individuals. On the U-Bahn? Maybe not. At the Bürgeramt? No. At a bar crawl? Genau we’re … Read more This Free Bar Crawl is the Key to Friendship in your New Berlin Life

Swoopstr: Die Swapping-Party auf deinem Handy


Jeder weiß es, dass wir in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft leben, dass wir von allem zu viel haben, das wir Dinge besitzen, die wir nicht brauchen, das Konsum, die wahre Droge unserer Gesellschaft ist. Wir leben in einem Zeitalter, in dem Shoppen zu einem Allheilmittel geworden ist, es hilft gegen Liebeskummer und gegen Langeweile, es ist der … Read more Swoopstr: Die Swapping-Party auf deinem Handy

Is Spiri Berlin’s Answer to Cheaper, Greener Transport?


Berlin’s a city of public transport users, right? It’s better for the environment, cuts down road congestion and is just cheaper and less hassle than having a car. But what if I told you you could have the convenience of owning a car and driving where ever you wanted to without the cost, hassle, environmental … Read more Is Spiri Berlin’s Answer to Cheaper, Greener Transport?

Urban Challenger is the adventure app for your favorite, dirt-broke backpacker


Backpackers, those orthopedically-stooped turtles that occasionally bag-smack you on the U-Bahn, have a ravenous will for adventure (and sometimes an indistinguishable smell). But, alas, a mere crack of any travel guide reveals an outdated mode of exploration. And who has the space, the money, or the patience for those books by Great Dweeb Dad Rick Steeves, … Read more Urban Challenger is the adventure app for your favorite, dirt-broke backpacker

With Koka, You’re Already On The Guest List

Berlin Loves You Koka Featured Image Partying

We all have that one friend that we rely on to take us to the best parties, to get our names on the guest lists, to be our ticket into the Berlin scenes. Now we’ve another new such friend, and it’s called Koka. Koka’s a group of Berliner friends who wanted to end the question … Read more With Koka, You’re Already On The Guest List

HeyRide Offers A 5 Euro, Flat Rate Taxi To Restaurants In Berlin


Staying in tonight? Sure you are. It’s freezing, and that great white asshole, snow, falls from the sky as if it doesn’t know we used to have sun and summertime adventures and late-night forays to delicious restaurants all over the city, without a care. And necessarily, staying in calls for take-out (because cooking is for … Read more HeyRide Offers A 5 Euro, Flat Rate Taxi To Restaurants In Berlin

PopUp Berlin: your online hub for pop-up events

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Berlin is a vibrant city. There is no way to deny it; you only need to have a stroll around Kreuzberg on a Saturday afternoon to know what I am talking about. A substantial number of Expats are coming (or have come) to Germany’s capital for many different reasons, myself included, adding up even more … Read more PopUp Berlin: your online hub for pop-up events

Vorher in den Club reinhören- Please Beatguide me!


Beatguide, eine Berliner App von Elektro Liebhabern für Elektro Liebhaber auf der Ganzen Welt. Du weißt nicht wo es sich am besten feiern lässt? Lass dich Beatguiden und du hast garantiert einen amüsanten Abend. Wir haben uns mit den Machern von Beatguide getroffen und was dabei raus kam wollen wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Seit … Read more Vorher in den Club reinhören- Please Beatguide me!

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