HeyRide Offers A 5 Euro, Flat Rate Taxi To Restaurants In Berlin
By Allison Krupp . January 20, 2016
Staying in tonight? Sure you are. It’s freezing, and that great white asshole, snow, falls from the sky as if it doesn’t know we used to have sun and summertime adventures and late-night forays to delicious restaurants all over the city, without a care.
And necessarily, staying in calls for take-out (because cooking is for suckers who haven’t already downed a bottle of wine pre-dinnertime, whatever that’s like). And take-out? Well. It’s never NOT disappointing. Your pizza arrives three hours later, chewed-up looking, soggy: the hazy, nightmare-version of whatever pizza you pointed at in the menu. Your Korean BBQ has kept the backseat of your delivery driver’s car warm for the past 45 minutes. Should I go on? No?
Your foodie daydreams fall to that favorite restaurant of yours, all the way in P-berg (that one where you said “I love you” and almost meant it!) or that Mexican place in Kreuzberg (where she threw the margarita in your face!). Or one of the many restaurants we review here on BERLIN LOVES YOU. Sustenance shouldn’t have to be boring, cold, and eaten in your sweatpants on that couch you saved from the streets.
Thankfully, HeyRide is here for us hungry and stir-crazy souls. The September 2015-born app connects with restaurants all over the city and offers 5-euro flat rate cab rides to these locations—allowing the restaurant to pick up the rest of the taxi fare, so you can save your cash for that almost-sinful nine-euro cocktail, because dammit you deserve it.
On a whim, you can have the evening out you crave (without messing with the trains, and without promising your first born to the cabbie). 5 euro is all you need. And that soggy take-out pizza: it’ll be there for your drunken-munchie-mistakes, whenever your current state of self-hatred just isn’t enough. For the classier nights, there’s HeyRide.
Phone: +49 1573 5987777
Email: hey@heyride.com