
Neukölln Shopping Nacht is Back: Saturday 7th May

Berlin Loves You Neukolln Shopping Nacht Featured

Once again, Neukölln Shopping Nacht is back in the kiez for its sixth edition! It’ll take place on May 7, 2016, 4pm til 10pm. Neukölln Shopping Nacht is an event where all your favourite local shops and hangouts gather together to offer the best shopping experience in Berlin’s south-side well into the night. For this … Read more Neukölln Shopping Nacht is Back: Saturday 7th May

Vorher in den Club reinhören- Please Beatguide me!


Beatguide, eine Berliner App von Elektro Liebhabern für Elektro Liebhaber auf der Ganzen Welt. Du weißt nicht wo es sich am besten feiern lässt? Lass dich Beatguiden und du hast garantiert einen amüsanten Abend. Wir haben uns mit den Machern von Beatguide getroffen und was dabei raus kam wollen wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Seit … Read more Vorher in den Club reinhören- Please Beatguide me!

Quantum Of Solace 007 James Bond Premiere Berlin


Did you know that if you go to one of these movie premieres you are not allowed to bring your phone and/ or camera? Crazy isn`t it? It´s like airport security. I suppose people are scared that you might copy the whole film and put it on youtube. The asian version to just pay the … Read more Quantum Of Solace 007 James Bond Premiere Berlin

Krabat Premiere Ravens & Girls


Krabat– a movie inspired by a german childrens book premiered at Sony Center yesterday. We saw the movie, did the party and found out that there were 2.000 people invited to the premiere – 1.500 came and 700 of these got to go to the After Party eventhough probably only 300 followed through. It`s a … Read more Krabat Premiere Ravens & Girls

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