It’s not as hard as you might think to get yourself, your event, your band or business featured in BERLIN LOVES YOU – all you need is a flick-knife and the address of one of our writers. Alternatively, you can drop our team an email on team@berlinlovesyou.com.
To make it easier for you guys to get featured on BERLIN LOVES YOU, here’s a little guide to what you should send to us:
We have both German and English writers so both work for us. Although, you’re more likely to be understood if such things as lengthy press releases come in both English AND German.
Although the what/where/whens are very important, the more information you send us, the better articles we can write. We receive (along with every other blog) hundreds of emails featuring an event’s name, a list of DJs, and a place. These emails end up in the spam folder – we are writers and journalists, not a wall to stick posters on. We’d also love the opportunity to speak to you to find out more.
Pictures – and we mean good quality pictures – are essential. They make or break whether or not the article gets read (to the consternation of the writers). We will sometimes come and take our own photos, but only if your article idea has set some kind of fire at the BERLIN LOVES YOU office. We’re happy to attribute photos to their photographers, but would rather avoid photos with branded watermarks.
What do we like to write about?
BERLIN LOVES YOU loves stories of all scenes, for all audiences. So long as someone in Berlin will find it interesting, we’ll write about it – so don’t worry that your story might not be ‘for us’. We don’t mind if you do a little art exhibition in Lichtenberg with enough space for 10 people, if your hobby is baking chocolate cookies in the nude, or your startup helps people to masturbate more efficiently.
Here are some simple categories and tips on what we’re looking for:
Food/Eating Out
Have a favourite restaurant? Tell us about it. Own a food shop? What’s the concept? Invite us down for an interview. Restaurateur? Invite us to dinner and we’ll review you.
Have you started a drinks brand? Let us know. Have you opened a drinks shop? We’ll visit you. Opened a cool bar? There’s nothing we love more than free drinks.
Whether it’s a gallery, a charity event or a club night, feel free to let us know. Pay attention to the tips above though, as a thorough description and clear and attractive pictures are very necessary for us to understand what it’s all about. We can also come visit the event to review it. If you have some tickets to give away for our readers in a competition, excellent.
We love the stories behind artists and their music/art, so if you have something you’ve made and want to share with Berlin, let us know! We’ll feature your work and include an interview so you can share your art with our readers.
Are you solving a problem that our readers may have? Are you offering a service our readers may like? Are you making the world a better place? Bring it on.
Do you have something you want to share with us? Do you have strong opinions on something you think our readers could be interested in? We love talking to Berliners who have an interesting view on the city, so get in touch.
Interested? Give our editorial team an email on info@berlinlovesyou.com.
Brands, PR Agencies & Partnership Requests
Please get in contact with us at info@berlinlovesyou.com and we will send you our information pack.
Don’t be afraid, get emailing!