
Urban Challenger is the adventure app for your favorite, dirt-broke backpacker


Backpackers, those orthopedically-stooped turtles that occasionally bag-smack you on the U-Bahn, have a ravenous will for adventure (and sometimes an indistinguishable smell). But, alas, a mere crack of any travel guide reveals an outdated mode of exploration. And who has the space, the money, or the patience for those books by Great Dweeb Dad Rick Steeves, … Read more Urban Challenger is the adventure app for your favorite, dirt-broke backpacker

‘The Drummer’ Hitchhikes the World with Just a Drum Set and a Dream


You read that title right. It’s the stuff of dreams for us restless, wannabe musicians (we could all start a successful band if we really tried, right?). And a man known now only as “The Drummer,” our modern-day hero, took the plunge in June, hitchhiking or jet-setting or boating through Germany, and then the rest of the … Read more ‘The Drummer’ Hitchhikes the World with Just a Drum Set and a Dream

Let’s Yalla Travel App is here so you can quit this BS and go on a spontaneous trip tomorrow


Let’s Yalla did something rather incredible: they bottled that mad and chaotic Berlin energy, which we all felt rattling in our hearts and lungs in the weeks before moving here–that feeling we all crave. We can grasp it once again. Because even here, you find yourself nibbling that 4 a.m. kebab at 11:30… folding laundry… catching … Read more Let’s Yalla Travel App is here so you can quit this BS and go on a spontaneous trip tomorrow

Travel Like a Local – My Plus One spreads its wings


Have you ever got that nagging feeling, while visiting a new a city for the first time, that you’ve simply been following the crowd and ticking-off sites from the same pre-packaged list that everyone else has, while cutting a well worn path across the city’s tourist traps?  It may sound cliche to say it out … Read more Travel Like a Local – My Plus One spreads its wings

This Weekend: Familienfest at Berlin Brandenburg Airport


The brand new airport, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg, will be hosting a family event this Saturday and Sunday, September 14th and 15th. The festival starts at Willy-Brandt-Platz in Airport City and continues through the arrival and departure levels in front of the terminal. You and your family can enjoy good music, entertainment, and some trivia about … Read more This Weekend: Familienfest at Berlin Brandenburg Airport

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