
The Wildeküche Ravers Are the Coolest Vegans in Town


Wildeküche Isn’t Your Typical Vegetarian and Vegan Joint. It’s easy to roll your eyes at a sharp-tongued Vegan. They’re all razor-elbowed and simmering with anger, ready to strike their hand across your fork as you dive in for another round of Camembert. “Yeah, I get it. The world’s gonna end if we don’t take care … Read more The Wildeküche Ravers Are the Coolest Vegans in Town

10 Action-Packed Things to Do in Görlitzer Park


Görlitzer Park, or Görli as it’s affectionately known, has long been a cultural hub in Berlin. To all of us, Görli is long summer nights spent with friends, hearing the faint strum of an unsolicited acoustic guitar. It’s carnage on the first of May, losing each other in the crowd. It’s getting hit by Frisbee … Read more 10 Action-Packed Things to Do in Görlitzer Park

Who Controls the Turf? Berlin’s Görlitzer Park


Even during midnight hours on a weeknight, I can open my window in Kreuzberg and hear commotion from Görlitzer Park. Shattering glass, a boom-box blasting dub music and heated talk rise up into the air and bang on my eardrums with little relenting. Most apartments are darkened, sleepy time for early morning folk and their … Read more Who Controls the Turf? Berlin’s Görlitzer Park

Kinderbauernhof Görlitzer Park


Der Kinderbauernhof im Görlitzer Park ist kein einfacher Streichelzoo, nein, hier sollen Kinder ganz spielerisch den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit seinen Bewohnern lernen. Und dies sind: Schweine, Esel, Ziegen, Schafe, Enten und Gänse, Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen und Hühner. Seit den siebziger Jahren gibt es den Kinderbauernhof schon. Er wurde von engagierten Bürgern in Handarbeit aufgebaut und hat … Read more Kinderbauernhof Görlitzer Park

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