
Big Stu – Berlin’s Rapping Chef

By Brendan Power . March 17, 2014

The final of our 3 Irish Berliners to put his thoughts down on the record with us is Dublin-born rapper and food enthusiast, Big Stu.  He raps it how he sees it, he cooks like a beast, check out his vids for a lyrical feast.  


#1 Hey Big Stu, who the hell are you?

I rap and I make videos, I was gone for a while but now I’m back in the throes. Watch me.

#2 Oh yeah? Where were you?

In India, reconnecting to the source, spreading the word, converting the world. I was way out in the countryside, showing farmers my skill, dancing with the children, rapping up a hill. Now I’m back, reenergized. Raring to go. Got a video in the minds eye, its looking pretty woh.

#3 Whats the new vid about?

It’s about looking at Kottbusser Tor with a Will Smith feeling. I wanted to do another video about my spiritual home. I’ll shoot it next week. After that I have another one lined up. And then another. That’s rightaa. Watch me. 

#4 Do you mind if I share your original music vid about your hood?

Not at all, be my guest.

#5 What do think of German Hip Hop, any local rappers catch your ear?

I’ve heard some good stuff. Yano2D of the K383 crew. I saw him live and I immediately said Yes. He had it, the grab factor. There was a guy I saw rap with the live hip hop band SWAG who was on it too. I like my music with its balls out. 


#6 When you sit down to write a rap for one of your videos, where does the idea start?

A lot of the time I need to feel a bit frustrated like I want some escapism. I use that need for release. Then I might have a beat I want to rap to or a recipe I want to share or something else I like. Sometimes, like with the Michael Jackson one I did in November, I just heard the ‘Streetwalkin’ groove and everything inside me went ‘Yes’ and I knew I had to write something to it.

#7 What’s the deal with your recipe raps? How did that start?

I was trying to come up with a new idea for something to rap about. I love cooking and I was in a big pasta phase back then so I thought why not rap my tomato sauce recipe- you should only talk about what you know. I did it and I realised that it was pretty original. As far as I could see, there was no one else rapping recipes out there. I thought it could become my signature thing and for a period in 2012 I went for it. I did about 6 recipe raps in a row, sending them out to bloggers and whatnot. Generally I got a ‘hey that’s cool’ response and that was it. And they didn’t go down half as well (on the facebook likeometer) as the other videos like ‘Fabulous’ so I stopped doing them as much. Then I got to wanting something new with the format so I started to do mash up videos where I’d do a recipe but mix it with for example, the beat of Eminem’s ‘Business’ with the rap of Biggy Smalls’ ‘Juicy’. Now that’s what you call a niche! I’ve had some interest from them, Thomasina Miers a TV chef wanted to do a rap and then the Food Network got on to me there a few weeks ago asking about working together but I have heard nothing since. We’ll see what happens!

#8 So far in your time in the rap game, what have been your most memorable performances?

I’ll always remember Castlepalooza in 2011. That was my first ever festival, I was the first act on the main stage so I was pretty nervous getting up there on my own in the outfit and all but once I got the microphone in my hand it felt like the most natural thing. Apart from that my performance at Body and Soul festival last year was also great. I was on it.

#9 You’re a Berliner since 2007, what’s your favourite place to get some food?

Huhnerhaus of course is always good. And Imren grill does the best kebab by a mile. There’s also a great köfte place across the road from me here in Kotti but I actually don’t eat out that much. I like to cook and I like a strong flavour. Asian cuisine is my go to savour. But I often find in restaurants here the food tucks its balls up for the safe German palette. No good. I want ’em all out, Niagara fallsy. By the way, my  money don’t jingle, it folds baby. 

#10 Your best memory as a resident of this fine city? And your worst?

I’ll always remember the cycle home after recording the Huhnerhaus song. It was done in a friends studio in Friedrichshain and after he gave me the mp3. I’ll never forget cycling over Warschauerbrucke listening to it going, ‘Fuck yeeeeah’. It was the first time I heard my rap voice. Then the day of the video was pretty special too. It was all very new and exciting. My worst time was when my bank account got skimmed for €1,000, I was touching cloth for a while after.

#11 What does it mean to you to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day? Any messages for the occasion?

The last 2 years has been a laugh at the St Patricks parade in Berlin. It’s good as a smallish expat community to get together for one day of the year and celebrate your country. And I enjoy seeing how inclusive Irishness can be. My message would be to go for the green with your balls out, naturally. It’s the Irish way.

#12 Which of your videos would you like to introduce to us to next today, and why?

Ahm, I Got Your Number cos why not. >>> Onwards. +


Check out more Big Stu with his Youtube channel here and  Facebook here
You can even hire Big Stu to rap for you here http://www.bigstu4u.com/


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