
Schillerkiez: One Kiez to Rule Them All?


Few Berlin neighborhoods exude “cool” like Schillerkiez. Situated in the southern haze of Neukölln, it’s guarded, sealed off: all racing cars on Hermannstraße on one edge and impenetrable nothingness in that daydream-y Tempelhofer Feld on the other. “Stumbling” into Schillerkiez isn’t easy. But I’m heading there today prepared with the Huawei P9 Plus—a phone with … Read more Schillerkiez: One Kiez to Rule Them All?

‘The Drummer’ Hitchhikes the World with Just a Drum Set and a Dream


You read that title right. It’s the stuff of dreams for us restless, wannabe musicians (we could all start a successful band if we really tried, right?). And a man known now only as “The Drummer,” our modern-day hero, took the plunge in June, hitchhiking or jet-setting or boating through Germany, and then the rest of the … Read more ‘The Drummer’ Hitchhikes the World with Just a Drum Set and a Dream

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