
England Fan Swallows Entire U1 After Big Win


After England’s marginal, yet stunning defeat of Tunisia in last night’s sizzling World Cup match, Berlin expatriate Harry McCrooketrill gulped his last 2.50-pinterino and hustled for the U1, screaming a ravenous, gut-bursting scream of joy and patriotism. Unfortunately, his mouth wide and kebab-ready, he stumbled forward just as the mighty yellow streak of U1 bolted … Read more England Fan Swallows Entire U1 After Big Win

Is Grilling the Best Part of the World Cup? Ask Edeka

edeka featured image

Edeka’s new viral ad proves that the World Cup isn’t about winning, it’s about eating as much grilled food as possible. Berlin’s the city where true talent always gets sidelined by the ‘tasty’ things in life, where hedonism kills hard work, and we love it that way. If we were this team, we’d do exactly … Read more Is Grilling the Best Part of the World Cup? Ask Edeka

Das Spiel der Völker – Völkerball WM in Berlin


Der Ball ist aus Schaumstoff, rosa, gelb oder weiß. Er ist die Exekutive im Spiel der Völker, die Waffe der Völkerverständigung. Auf dem Spielfeld aus Sand treten die „Völker“ gegeneinander an, 13 sind es dieses Jahr im 13. Jahr der StrandVölkerBall-WM, die vom 30. Juli bis 02. August 2015 stattfindet (Strandvölkerball-WM). Völkerball wird meist mit … Read more Das Spiel der Völker – Völkerball WM in Berlin

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