
Cocktailfontäne, nette Menschen, Brillen & Schuhe


Unsere Freunde von FUNK international feiern morgen wieder einmal ihr mittlerweile berühmt berüchtigtes Hoffest. Am 10 April heißt es im wunderschönen FUNK Hinterhof der Oranienburger Str. 87, den Frühling zu begrüßen. Ab 18.00Uhr plätschert die Cocktailfontäne, die Korken knallen und neben den aktuellen Brillenkollektionen präsentieren sich die schönsten Designs des Schweizer Schuhlabels Grünbein. Bis 22.00Uhr … Read more Cocktailfontäne, nette Menschen, Brillen & Schuhe

My Zebra Skin: A Visual Exploration of Berlin’s Dark Side


  Berlin’s Dark Side: This Friday, March 21st, artist Julien Barrat will present a series of five oil paintings depicting a melancholic world we’ve all experienced. My Zebra Skin tells the story of a man’s struggle to come to terms with himself and Berlin, which has altered his views towards his own era. According to Barrat, … Read more My Zebra Skin: A Visual Exploration of Berlin’s Dark Side

Hatian Heroes Vernissage Tonight (plus more events on the way!)


Hatian Heroes, a project which started in New York (pictured below), is coming to Berlin for two weeks, exhibiting an art show with photographs of Haiti. This exhibition is unique because it combines both words and images to characterize the people of Haiti and their pride as a way to raise awareness and generate donations … Read more Hatian Heroes Vernissage Tonight (plus more events on the way!)

Two Art Events Today: Kunstmesse B.AGL ART AfFAIRS and Ausstellung // Vernissage // Chrisse Kunst


Art fans are going to have their pick of exhibitions today, with the Ausstellung/Vernisasage/Chrisse Kunst show, as well as the first day of the Kunstmesse B.AGL ART afFAIRs. The Kunstmesse has their grand opening tonight, September 18, starting at 5pm (with free entrance), and will be open everyday at 2pm until September 22nd. Postbahnhof will serve … Read more Two Art Events Today: Kunstmesse B.AGL ART AfFAIRS and Ausstellung // Vernissage // Chrisse Kunst

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