Snoop Dogg (a.k.a. Dj Snoopadelic) plays Berlin’s Asphalt – 2×2 tickets to win
By Andrew Cottrill . July 16, 2014
His majesty Snoop Dogg will be playing a gig in Berlin on the 26th July at Berlin’s ASPHALT club. Playing under his superstar DJ persona, DJ Snoopadelic, the gig will be supported by Beathoavenz & Vijay Chatterjee.
Here’s what Facebook is saying about the event:
“Der ASPHALT Klub in Berlin-Mitte bietet wieder finest Tunes mit einer mega Sensation: DJ Snoopadelic – das ist kein geringerer als Rap-Legende und International Playa Snoop Dogg! ASPHALT lässt ihn exklusiv zu einem Freestyle DJ-Set inklusive Performance seiner neubesten Tracks aus dem Hip-Hop Olymp einfliegen. Zur Main Time legt Snoop seine tighten Beats auf und garniert sie live mit seinen unvergleichlichen Street Rap Skills a.k.a. „Fizzle my shizzle”.”
If you are interested in going to this rare event, you’re in luck. BERLIN LOVES YOU has got its hands on 2×2 tickets and if you want a ticket for yourself and a friend, simply comment on this post explaining why you think Berlin loves Snoop Dogg and leave an email address. We’ll privately contact the two lucky winners.
Snoop Doggy Dogg, Snoop Dogg, Snoop Lion and DJ Snoopadelic. BERLIN LOVES YOU.
“DJ SNOOPADELIC a.k.a. SNOOP DOGG” pres. by MELTING POT official event page
DJ Snoopadelic on Facebook
because he is the king fo shizzle!
Berlin loves Snoop Dogg because his music make the people dance and feeling alive in clubs in Berlin.
Because the mystic smoking athmosphere… if you know what i mean… ;)
Berlin is Hip-Hop. So is Snoopy. Me too so this is why I need some tickets.
Oh mein Gott!
Nachdem wir Snoop 2011 in der Columbiahalle verpasst haben, weil ich arbeiten musste, hatte ich extra Tickets für das Greenville Festival besorgt, um mit meiner Frau einzig und allein Snoop zu sehen. Die anderen Künstler wären zwar auch interessant gewesen, aber Snoop war nun mal No1.
Tja wie wir alle mitbekommen haben, wurde mangels Ticketverkäufen, das Greenville abgesagt.
Das Asphalt hat die Gunst der Stunde genutzt und Snoop für sich geworben.
Welch ein Glück :-)
Und wenn meine Frau und ich jetzt noch 2 Tickets gewinnen würden, wäre der ganze Ärger rund um das Greenville und dem verpassten Konzert vor 3 Jahren verflogen.
Vielleicht haben wir ja Glück!
Wir wünschen ein schönes Wochenende.
Viele Grüße,
Erik + Sandra
yeah, nice…
lets give it a try in english… maybe you wont delete my post, because i wrote the old one in german…
after i missed his last concert at the columbiahalle (oh sorry, its a german name, please dont delete it) in 2011 i bought two tickets for the greenville festival.
as you all know, it is canceled, cause they have only sold a few tickets.
lucky berlin, the asphalt club has booked snoop for this day.
now i can go with my wife to his gig and maybe (i dont think so) we are a lucky couple and will win 2 of the advertised tickets.
i mean, i know, i have no chance after all. you are talking about berlin, the capital city from germany. everbody speaks german and you delete a post, written in german. ridiculous. if you live in germany, you should learn the language, like i would do, if i move to spain, italy, japan or somewhere else.
have a nice weekend
best regards
E + S
Berlin loves Snoop Dogg because here live the hottest Party People in The World ;-)
Berlin <3 Snoop cuz he will never drop us when its hooot.
Just because HE’S SNOOP DOGG
because from the moment he was born he was a legend. just as fuckin’ crazy as our hometown Berlin, you can’t understand snoop dogg , the way he lives like and the thing he does . it’s just there , so is Berlin.
Snoop Dogg reflects Berlin perfectly. He is the King of HipHop and always will be.
He makes everybody feel alive !
“Berlin Loves You” – This title is already telling us that Berlin is a welcoming and open minded city. With its multicultural, exciting and adventurous face, everyone who enriches this beautiful city, gets some of Berlin´s love! <3
My best friend and I would love to see how Snoop Dogg is gonna show Berlin HIS appreciation! :)
from the day he was born he was a legend. he’s fuckin’ crazy , so is Berlin.
one can’t understand the way he lives like or the things he does… it’s just there, it just happens, like Berlin. I’d say nobody could ever reflect Berlin better than he does, it fits perfectly.
He makes everybody feel alive. Snoop Dogg is one of the most amazing guys in the world and I’m gettin crazy if I don’t win those tickets.. peace to our godddammit king of hiphop, rap nd reggae Snoop Doggy Dogg a.k.a. Snoop Dogg .
From the bottom to the top
( posting it twice because i maybe get more attention by that ?!)
…’cause La Di Da Di, we likes to party
We don’t cause trouble, we don’t bother nobody ;)
Berlin <3 Snoop, 'cause he brightens the grey and rainy sky today @ Warschauer Straße:
I promise I'm gonna wiggle my ass off if you let me win! I hope it's not too late! :-)
Berlin <3 Snoop, because he brightens the grey and rainy sky today at Warschauer Straße:
I hope it's not too late, I promise I'm gonna wiggle my ass of if you let me win!!! :-)
just because Snoop throws best parties and Berlin love to party!!!
There is nooo question. Fo shizzles its because he tells us what to do with that BIG FAT BUTTS, he`s making us drinking GIN AND JUICE, makes us SWEAT on the dancefloor when we DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT.And finally because THIS DOG NAMED SNOOP is the DOGGFATHER in the DOGGHOUSE in this DOGGY DOGGY WORLD doing it DOGGYSTYLE!!!!! amazing ehhhh ?