
Dining experiences in Berlin – Blind Dinner at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery


I always find it interesting how, in Berlin, people experiment with everything. Literally EVERYTHING. And, of course, why not to try something new when it comes to dining? We have so many blog posts about eating the best burger (thanks, Andrew!), the best Mexican style restaurant or even grilled cheese, so why not to have … Read more Dining experiences in Berlin – Blind Dinner at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery

“Being here made me go back there” – Tomas Espinosa, an artist seeking his roots in Berlin


I think it’s interesting how many people I meet in Berlin, expats in general, who somehow feel more connected to their home countries since living in Germany. “Being here made me go back there, do you know what I mean?”, Colombian artist Tomas Espinosa (who will be participating in the Berlin Food Art Week and reason for … Read more “Being here made me go back there” – Tomas Espinosa, an artist seeking his roots in Berlin

In between worlds – Tainá Guedes, a Brazilian chef with a taste for the arts

Portrait Taina 2-3

I first got to know Tainá Guedes through researching chefs here in Berlin, for another project of mine. After some googling, one website here another social media there, I soon came to learn that Tainá was actually one of my compatriots, born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. We set up a meeting at her … Read more In between worlds – Tainá Guedes, a Brazilian chef with a taste for the arts

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