
SADO OPERA’s Corner of Berlin: Wilde Renate


SADO OPERA share their favourite Corner of Berlin: Salon zur Wilden Renate. “Wilde Renate: Our mother and lover, our passion and our home.” Being unabashed about my love for stage makeup, over-the-top theatrics and Prince, it was clear I’d fall for SADO OPERA as soon as I heard them. In fact, I didn’t even need … Read more SADO OPERA’s Corner of Berlin: Wilde Renate

Jackie Charles’ Corners of Berlin: Funeral Parlor Teddy Bears and Rooftop Forestry


Recently, us at Berlin Loves You have posed a rather experimental, almost personality-type question: “What is your favorite corner of Berlin?” And the answers have been as varied and interesting as the people behind them. Swedish artist Sandra finds time for reflection river-side at Freischwimmer, whilst author, playwright, and musician Robert Farrar speaks of dive … Read more Jackie Charles’ Corners of Berlin: Funeral Parlor Teddy Bears and Rooftop Forestry

Robert Farrar’s Corner of Berlin: Stammtisch


Author, playwright and musician Robert Farrar shares his favourite Corner of Berlin: Stammtisch. For him, “Life without the Stammtisch is possible – but meaningless!” I first met Robert Farrar in 2017. It was Wild at Heart, where he was performing as his musician alter-ego, Merlin Dietrich. Sharing the line-up with the mighty Shambhu Leroux, Merlin … Read more Robert Farrar’s Corner of Berlin: Stammtisch

Sandra Juto’s Corner of Berlin: Freischwimmer


Introducing Swedish artist Sandra Juto and her Corner of Berlin: Freischwimmer. For her, it’s like “stepping into another world.” We’ve been asking our Berlin friends to take us on a tour of their favourite corners of the city. Sandra Juto – someone who’s been living the epitome of the creative Berlin lifestyle for more than … Read more Sandra Juto’s Corner of Berlin: Freischwimmer

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