
PUT USED FUN BETWEEN YOUR LEGS Is A Bicycle Fest With Sass (And Beer)

By Allison Krupp . September 19, 2015


PUT USED FUN BETWEEN YOUR LEGS (hey, quintessential Berlin event name) is a bicycle flea market featuring used bike parts (and beer and burgers), orchestrated by city bike messengers Lena and Dirk.

As frequent pedalers, Lena and Dirk are familiar with used bike parts, piling up in all corners, unused. “We both figured that having all these bike parts at home without using them was a shame to the material and to our wallets.”

And because they belong to a community of other bike messengers, all dealing with the same problem, they orchestrated a solution: a time set aside to swap used bike parts, have a few beers, eat some delicious food, laugh and joke, and (perhaps least importantly) make a little extra-money.


The event begins on Sunday, September 20 th at 13:00 at Jägerklause in Friedrichshain. The festivities roll on till 19:00, offering plenty of time to dig through used bike parts to find any treasures; to fill yourself with beer and good food; to feel a part of the bike messenger and bike enthusiast community in this ever-two-wheeled city.

Want to sell things at PUT USED FUN BETWEEN YOUR LEGS? The cost is five euros per table. Email info@usedfun.de for more information and to reserve your place. Entry for shoppers and beer-guzzlers is, naturally, free.

WHEN: September 20 From 13:00 to 19:00

WHERE: Jägerklause, Grünberger Str 1, 10243rd

SITE: usedfun.de



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