Berlin’s Welcome Festival for Refugees – Schön, dass ihr da seid!
By Brendan Power . September 6, 2017
Don’t miss a fun opportunity to share and enjoy the company of some of Berlin’s newer inhabitants!
Schön, dass ihr da seid e.V. are throwing their 3rd annual Welcome Party this Saturday September 9th at 12:00 at the North East corner of Templehofer Feld, Oderstr. entrance. This is an opportunity for all refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to come together with local and international Berliners and enjoy a collective celebration of their rich and varied cultures, foods and music. So if you feel like having fun, hearing new music and supporting a great initiative, then get your ass down to Templehofer Feld on Saturday.
While they may no longer occupy the the news headlines (as they sadly did in the summer of 2015), there are still countless people who are actively fleeing or have recently fled from conflict or persecution in their homelands in search of a better life.
According to sociologist Stephen Castles, we are in the Age of Migration, which can be broken down into voluntary and forced migration. Voluntary migration often leads to the reams of dark-clothed Club Mate drinkers, Silicon Allee coders, and general dossers who can be seen en masse in the trendier parts of the city, heck you may even be one (I am), or at least work with one yourself, and that’s cool but…
…depending on your work or social circles, and which kiez you call home, for a variety of reasons, you may rarely come into close contact with folks who had a less privileged start in this city, the involuntary migrants and refugees who now call Berlin home.
If you have had the opportunity of working or living with these folks, the Welcome Party this weekend represents a wonderful opportunity to share a good time together in a social context, learn more about each other’s cultures, and partake in the universally understood languages of good food and great music. Even if you can’t make it yourself, please pass the word on to any peeps who you think would enjoy this!
Last year’s event was a truly glorious occasion.
The 2016 edition of SDIDS’s Welcome Picnic really spoiled its attendees, young and old, newcomers and “echt Berliners” alike, with a sun-soaked, fun-filled musical feast featuring captivating sets from musicians with migrant backgrounds, art workshops for little and big kids, multilingual playgroups and a great selection of home-cooked culinary delights. It was a fantastic success, and what became apparent to all people there was that many new friendships between newcomers and longtime Berliners were forged on this day.
Support their crowdfunding efforts!
If you can’t make it on the day but feel like this is a project you wish to support, then check out their StartNext page here and throw a donation towards this valuable cause. If you think refugees should be welcome here that’s great, so maybe consider putting that feeling into action by donating or joining the festivities with the folks at Schön, dass ihr da seid e.V. this Saturday! You can get more information about the crowdfunding and the festival itself by watching the video below.
And if you have any language skills or simply a general desire to help out on the day, please contact Schön, dass ihr da seid! as many hands make light work.
Welcome Festival
9.9.2017 | 12:00 |
Tempelhofer Feld (North East side, Oderstrasse entrance)