
Fish Klub Is The Seafood Bar Berlin Needs

Fish Klub Markthalle Neun Seafood 3

What happens when a star restauranteur turns his hand to fishmongery? Well, it’s Fish Klub. It’s funny to see Daniel Lambert, the man behind what I coined ‘F’hain’s most exciting restaurant’, Khwan, and the person who has served me the best meal I’ve ever had in Berlin, working behind the fish counter at new Markthalle … Read more Fish Klub Is The Seafood Bar Berlin Needs

Bangkok City Sets Berlin’s Thai Food Scene on Fire

Bangkok-City-Berlin-Flaming-Chicken-2 (1)

Bangkok City brings a whole chicken to your table and sets it on fire. This isn’t a metaphor. Food should be theatre, and seeing a whole chicken set on fire is the best thing since Brecht. We stand outside Bangkok City, looking across the street at the never-ending queues of hungry punters snaking from Mehringdamm … Read more Bangkok City Sets Berlin’s Thai Food Scene on Fire

Khwan Thai BBQ is Friedrichshain’s Most Exciting Restaurant

Berlin Loves You Khwan Isaan Thai BBQ food

Khwan’s Isaan Thai BBQ is smoke, spice, grilling meat. Like Berlin’s never seen. No one goes to the RAW Gelände for good food. This is one thing that makes new pop-up restaurant Khwan such a treat. Housed in the Craft And Smoke building, you smell Khwan before you see it. Smoke, spice, grilling meat. Their … Read more Khwan Thai BBQ is Friedrichshain’s Most Exciting Restaurant

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