After introducing the world to our new line of Berlin Loves You T-shirts and our new online store, it’s time to introduce our new campaign “One City. One Shirt. Constant Change.” and its muse, Julius Petit.
The concept was to show how some things can remain constant against an ever-changing backdrop. Our reasons for using Julius Petit (aka Miss Aruba)? Maybe we were making an astute statement on challenging perceptions. Maybe it’s because we saved money on hiring two models. All we know is we had a lot of fun in the process.
Thank you Sebastian Simanowski for the pictures (follow Sebastian on Facebook).
Thank you Timo Bloom for the make up.
Thank you Julius Petit (aka Miss Aruba) for being our muse.
We also would like to thank shusta for giving us a great set. As well es Mykita, David Andersen and Glaw Berlin for supplying the outfits.
Finally, if you want your own Berlin Loves You shirt, you can get one now at shop.berlinlovesyou.com