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Art lover, fashion addict and never ending student, currently living in Berlin and writing about fashion and lifestyle. Formerly Sarah has worked for InStyle Brazil and now seeks new ways to be in style, matching perfectly to Berlin’s edgy, underground fashion scene. From vintage shops to brand new designers, the plan is to always bring what is going on in this creative city.
I like to see Berlin through other people’s eyes. I would like to tell you about people and places and the stories that emerge when the two collide. Especially when those encounters make me love Berlin even more. My first Berlin Loves You – moment was at a little flower shop in Kreuzberg.
She writes about events, art, literature, and random Berlin things. Her first Berlin Loves You moment was in Kreuzberg.
Brendan enjoys writing about Berlin's cultural events, electronic music and sound art, interviewing local persons of interest, as well as reviewing film.
This is our 'everyone-is-allowed-to-write' author, bringing you the best and broadest from Berlin!
Writes about food, drink, life, bullshit, and anything else he wants to get off his mind. For Andy, Berlin is like a huge playground for adults – somewhere you can do what you want without having to turn into a real grown-up. His first Berlin Loves You experience was over a $1 kebab and a 50¢ Sterni.