Kalashnikovs and Vodka. Kabaret Kalashnikov Returns to Sisyphos
By Andrew Cottrill . April 6, 2016
It’s that time again. Between 21st-23rd April, Kabaret Kalashnikov reopens its doors at Sisyphos.
After the last Kabaret Kalashnikov, I struggled to laugh at anything anymore. It was like my funny-bone had somehow broken. The idea of things I used to find funny just made me sad. Things like kids falling over, the career of Shia LaBeouf and the concept of third-world debt. Even the prospect of a cartoon character like Donald Trump becoming the ‘most powerful man in the world’ didn’t even recall to me the memory of a smile. But now, six months later, I’m ready to laugh again. And Kabaret Kalashnikov is back in town.
Kabaret Kalashnikov describes itself as “a wild-postsowjet-hedonistic-vodka-variete-show”, where “juggling, acrobatics, slapstick and comedy all blend into a twisted, turbulent night at a little ‘taverna’ somewhere East of here. A bar where they dance tango and polka, where they fight and make love, where the night lasts as long as there is vodka… and vodka there is!!”
And believe me, for the hour-and-something you’re there, they really do transport you somewhere else. Somewhere kitsch, camp, unpredictable and hilarous. From your first vodka to your last (at the after-show party), you’ll intimately know the Taverna Kalashnikov and all those who drink at it. In fact, I sort of fell in love with one of them, until she started her contortionist act… and I’ve still got that The Exorcist-type scene burnt onto my retinas.
Kabaret Kalashnikov features a loose overarching story punctuated by individual shows and vignettes by the many performers drinking that night at the Taverna Kalashnikov. The concept was created by our old friend Ferkel Johnson and fellow street-performer Andy Snatch and is currently in its 6th year. In 2015 I spoke to Ferkel about the cabaret:
“This time of year is when street performers finish their season, and circus artists and acrobats are just about start theirs. It’s the perfect time to get all our friends and extended family of performers together and put on a special show.
“We wanted a situation for the show to take place in, where artists could show their talents. After a few drinks and a few rounds of shots, it became clear it needed to be a vodka bar, ‘somewhere East from here’. After all, bars are where the strangest characters are usually found.
“After the show, we invite the audience to the bar to drink and party with us. So, Kabaret Kalashnikov doesn’t actually end when the show ends. In fact, it starts.
“Sisyphos offers a perfect partner for our cabaret, as they have a great location for the show AND the after party. Also, when we come up with crazy, exotic ideas and random wishes, these people make it happen! It’s our 4th show with the Sisyphos club and we’re really happy to be working with them.”
As Sisyphos is a nightclub, the Thursday show is better suited for minors and families as the Friday and Saturday shows will have an age limit (and hundreds of zombified ravers). Along with the entrance cost to the cabaret, you also get to stay on for the Sisyphos party.
The shows are running at Sisyphos on Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd, beginning at 20:30 sharp.
Doors open 7 p.m. Admission 15 €. Pay cash on the door – no ticket presale.
To find more about Kabaret Kalashnikov, visit their Facebook page.