Berlin Beer Week 2016 will Explode like a Shaken Vodka-Club Mate
By Andrew Cottrill . July 14, 2016
Of all the Weeks in Berlin, from “Stay in a nightclub all Week” to “Eat out every meal and complain of being poor Week”, Berlin Beer Week is definitely a Week we can get behind.
From July 22nd to 30th 2016, Berlin’s bars and venues are going to be awash with drinkers and beer aficionados. “What, just like every week?” I hear you ask. The difference is that between the 22nd and the 30th, they’ll be drinking the best beer, the most local beer, the most exciting beer Berlin has to offer.
The festival begins aboard a boat. A craft beer booze cruise along the Spree, featuring 35+ beers from 20+ local and international breweries, music, and amazing views during a three-hour ride through Mitte. It’s “all-you’d-like-to-drink” which infers an element of trust not often granted to BLY readers (or do I mean writers?). Just don’t go overboard.
From there, the week explodes like a shaken vodka-Club Mate. This year, 50 venues are participating with everything from tap take overs to food/beer pairings, to unveilings of beers made exclusively for Berlin Beer Week (including the Week’s OWN beer). There will also be beer making workshops, opportunities to meet brewers, a movie night, a photography exhibition and even a darts tournament. Too much to keep a beer drinker entertained.
In total, there will be more than 70 breweries taking part, including many of Berlin’s (and BERLIN LOVES YOU’s) favourites, like Bierfabrik, Berliner Berg and Heidenpeters, plus newcomers Craft Beer Tentacion and Straßenbräu.
Check out the (frankly astoundingly large) list of events for Berlin Beer Week on Facebook.
If, by the end of the week, you’re still standing, Berlin Beer Week’s official closing event will the Berlin Craft Beer Fest, a two-day beer festival taking place at RAW-Gelände in Berlin-Friedrichshain. As the name indicates, this’ll be yet another great opportunity to try the best of local craft breweries, as well as street food vendors and an after-party at Badehaus Berlin.
For a complete list of news and events, please visit www.berlinbeerweek.com.
Berlin Beer Week 2016
Berlin Beer Week on Facebook
Berlin Beer Week Programme on Facebook