
9 Reasons We’d Leave Berlin For Good


And no. It’s not all about the money. But sure, yes, a lot of it has to do with money. 1. London or New York rents in our gritty Berlin. Listen: I knew what I was getting into when I moved here. It’s glass shattered on sidewalks and rollies raining from the fourth floor above, … Read more 9 Reasons We’d Leave Berlin For Good

How I Learned German From My Bed, Courtesy of Lingoda and Laziness


My German is shit. I used to laugh about it, celebrating my ignorance like a Confederate flag-wielding Trump supporter. Armed with just a few expressions, I can flitter through the Berlin nightlife, wrangle some falafel for sustenance, and generally exist. I am a long-term tourist, a currywurst rotting in the sun. And I need to be … Read more How I Learned German From My Bed, Courtesy of Lingoda and Laziness

Wer wohnt eigentlich in meiner Nachbarschaft?

nebenan_Blumen_gießen BERLIN LOVES YOU Blog

Das Thema Nachbarschaft beschäftigt Christian Vollmann mittlerweile seit über zwei Jahren. Nach einem Umzug mit seiner Familie hatte er das Bedürfnis, die bis dahin noch so anonyme Nachbarschaft kennen zu lernen. Kurzerhand rief er damals ein Online-Forum für seine Straße ins Leben und konnte so Kontakte knüpfen, die bis heute bestehen. Seitdem lässt ihn das … Read more Wer wohnt eigentlich in meiner Nachbarschaft?

How to Make it in Berlin – Sahra


Sahra’s story is perhaps the archetypical process of the ‘Berlin dream’. Visit city. Fall in love with city. Move to city. This three-step process has defined Berlin for generations as a place for a fresh start and new life. 25-year-old Sahra was born and bred in Stuttgart, Germany, but says that because of the city’s … Read more How to Make it in Berlin – Sahra

How to Make it in Berlin – Lola


Arriving into a city with a barrage of light, sound and bubbles is not your typical welcome – but for Lola, this was the most unexpected, yet perfect greeting for her. “When I came out of Alexanderplatz at 11:30pm on September 2014, someone had put washing up liquid in the fountain, so the entire square … Read more How to Make it in Berlin – Lola

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