
8 Times Wedding Almost Became Neukölln, Then Didn’t


We’ve heard it whispered for years: Wedding’s next. Wedding’s HAPPENING. Yet, just when it feels it’s about to shadow Neukölln’s hipness, becoming the city’s next haven for expat weirdos and artists, it curls up, shakes its head like a stubborn German man who won’t leave the kneipe, and goes back to being, well, just Wedding. … Read more 8 Times Wedding Almost Became Neukölln, Then Didn’t

Wedding: New Club on the Horizon "BRUNNEN70" Opening this weekend

Brunnen 70 is opening its doors this weekend. In an old furniture shop! 800m² will be waiting for you filled with sound, light annd people … could be interesting … Brunnenstrasse 70 / 71 U8 Voltastrasse Berlin Wedding Entrance via Elevator http://www.brunnen70.de Freitag 5.3 /// ERSTBEGEHUNG Samstag 6.3 /// BAUSTELLE ADE

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