
Vintage Shopping in Berlin’s Unique Nooks and Crannies


A particularly illuminating singer-songwriter, named, of all things, Kevin, once versed: “The past is a grotesque animal.” However, us and things, we must all move on. Which is why we turn to vintage: taking from the past, and finding new ways to beautify it. Here are some of my favorite vintage places in Berlin. Trash-Schick … Read more Vintage Shopping in Berlin’s Unique Nooks and Crannies

Glühwein & Bratwurst: Hit Those Christmas Markets in Berlin


Good Food in Berlin will be joining forces with Berlin ♥ ’s You to bring you Berlin food that you will love! Today we hit the beloved and infamous Weihnachtsmärkte of Berlin.
Christmas in Berlin

I love Christmas and I adore Christmas in Berlin. No other country in the world does Christmas so well as Germany, with their ever-present Weihnachtsmärkte most German cities, towns and villages. Shops, stores and companies go all out for the Christmas season and decorate their displays, windows and even toilets in a cosy Christmas theme. Visiting a Weihnachtsmarkt is a fabulous way to really be engulfed in pure Christmas atmosphere and to shop for nice holiday presents for your loved ones (or yourself).

Germans like to visit Christmas markets too. Many working people like to pop out during their lunchbreak for a Bratwurst from the Weihnachtsmarkt, or they sneakily nibble on some sweetly fried dough (Mutzenmandel). Even when the temperatures drop below the -10, you will still see many stubborn Germans relaxing with a currywurst and Glühwein on a Christmasmarket. You may freeze your hands off, but that is all part of its charm. The Weihnachtsmärkte are my personal favourite when it comes to the season of jolly and holly. And that is why I will sum up some of the best, coolest and most ‘special’ ones ready for you to be visited.

Read moreGlühwein & Bratwurst: Hit Those Christmas Markets in Berlin

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