Statistics of Berlin Part II: Which neighborhoods are the nicest and which have the most families vs. singles?
By Catherine J. Fehre . November 21, 2013
Everyone has their certain neighborhood in Berlin, which they like the best. It’s the one you feel most comfortable in and where you spend most of your time. Every neighborhood is appealing to somebody, but apparently some are prettier than others. According to a new study, only 1/10 of Berlin qualifies as the most beautiful, and those areas tend to be around forests, lakes, and parks. The neighborhoods that have always been known to be attractive are Wannsee, Nikolassee, Dahlem (Steglitz-Zehlendorf), Schmargendorf, and the west part of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. The newer neighborhoods added to the list are Frohnau (Reinickendorf), Rosenthal (Pankow), and Kaulsdorf (Marzahn-Hellersdorf).
Lately, most associate Prenzlauer Berg with baby strollers and the young parents pushing them, small children running about, and new families in general. However, as of late, Wilmersdorf has the most children under the age of six.
Pankow is no longer the top family neighborhood, as there is almost double the amount of singles living there (206,912) as marrieds (114,760). Tempelhof-Schöneberg is the new neighborhood for growing families with 120,418 married people. But Neukölln has the largest families with 16,800 households consisting of more than four family members.
Sources: BZ Berlin; Statistik Berlin Brandenburg
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