RAYS & Nunofyrbeeswax: Idiosyncratic Indie at Internet Explorer
By Allison Krupp . July 7, 2019
Puschen presents RAYS and Nunofyrbeeswax this Thursday, July 11, at Internet Explorer.
Oakland’s RAYS tour their second album, You Can Get There From Here, yanking their once-scrappy post-punk vibes toward more refined, harmonious jangles, which dance from hook to hook. It’s low-fi and idiosyncratic and straight-up cool, perfect for the dank and frenetic world of Internet Explorer.
Opener: Nunofyrbeeswax
Berlin’s own Nunofyrbeeswax is a crowd favorite, two wonderful weirdos who’ve generated comparisons to Half Japanese and The Fall and The B52s. They’re opening up the gig at Internet Explorer on Thursday night, and are absolutely unmissable.
Doors: 20:00
Nunofyrbeeswax: 21:00
RAYS: 22:00