
May the Shows begin! Mercedes Benz Fashion Week getting ready for next week!

By BERLIN LOVES YOU . January 13, 2010


Designers and brands have again chosen Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin to present theirAutumn/Winter Collections from January 20 to 23, 2010. At the event’s official venue, Bebelplatz, A‐LABMilano, ALLUDE, Anja Gockel, with supermodel Alek Wek opening her show, arrondissement Aq1, Chaya,Cristiano, Cristina Miraldi, CUSTO Barcelona, .DIMITRI by Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, Frida Weyer, HausachCouture, IC! BERLIN, Kilian Kerner, No Ifs, Lena Hoschek, Marcel Ostertag, Mauro Gasperi, Michael Sontag,Mongrels in Common, Paolo Errico, Patrick Mohr, PENKOV, PerretSchaad, Rena Lange, Sam Frenzlpresented by Designer for Tomorrow by Peek & Cloppenburg Düsseldorf, Stefan Eckert, STRENESSE BLUEand Susanne Wiebe will show their latest work. BOSS BLACK, JOOP!, ODEEH, René Lezard, Schacky andJones and sissirossi will showcase their vision for the next season at offsite locations. SCHUMACHER willkick of the season with the first catwalk show at Bebelplatz and Stine Goya will close the event on Saturday,when she will show in Berlin for the first time.“There are so many designers showing their collections at Bebelplatz this season that we will now presentshows every 90 minutes,” says Maia Guarnaccia, Vice President IMG Fashion, Europe. „Additionally, aswith every season, several offsite‐shows are also part of the event. We are delighted by the continuedparticipation of both up and coming and established designers and we thank our sponsors, without whomMercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin would not be possible.”A popular tradition during Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin and a part of the schedule from the veryfirst season is the GALA Fashion Brunch, which will again be a part of the official calendar. BRIGITTEMagazine will present photographer F. C. Gundlach and BURDA Style Group will also celebrate anexclusive event. Another highlight will be the group show of A‐Lab Milano, Cristiano, Cristina Miraldi,Mauro Gasperi and Paolo Errico, presented by Mercedes‐Benz. These young Italian designers are thewinners of INCUBATOR, a fashion award presented by Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. The closingshow of Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin by Stine Goya is also a must‐see this season. Stine startedher career as a successful Chanel model, before studying fashion design at Central St. Martin’s College inLondon. Thereafter she quickly became one of Scandinavia’s most applauded designers.

„With our fashion initiative now reaching more than 25 countries, we are excited to present a true fashionhighlight again this year, alongside talented German designers at Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin,”says Anders Sundt Jensen, Vice President Brand Communications Mercedes‐Benz Cars. “After Black Coffeefrom South Africa and Ramírez from Argentina last July, this season Mercedes‐Benz will showcase fiveItalian designers, who will present their work in front of the international fashion community atMercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin.”Parallel to the catwalk shows Berlin will also host a number of fashion trade shows. Bread & Butter,PREMIUM, Jam and others are welcoming buyers from all parts of the world.“The German capital is becoming a fashion centre of truly international appeal. Mercedes‐Benz FashionWeek Berlin and the fashion trade shows attract thousands of visitors, fashionistas and industry experts.We are glad to be a partner of Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin again in 2010,” says Harald Wolf,Mayor and Senator for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues, Berlin. “Berlin will score this seasonwith emerging designers. Michael Sontag and Frida Weyer received sponsored slots and will get a lot ofmedia attention with their collections. Promotion of talent and modern presentation formats will pushBerlin’s fashion industry to new heights.”Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week Berlin is made possible by the following sponsors: Mercedes‐Benz, DHL,Maybelline Jade and Peek & Cloppenburg KG Düsseldorf and will again be endorsed by the Senate forEconomics, Technology and Women’s Issues, Berlin.For further information please visit: www.mercedes‐benzfashionweekberlin.com. Also visit our fan page onFacebook “Mercedes‐Benz Fashion Week”.


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