Last Week in Berlin: Christmas is Coming! (Whether You Like It or Not.)
By Antonio Castello . November 18, 2016
BERLIN LOVES YOU, even if you’re one of those lebkuchen-crazed hopefuls who decorates the Christmas tree November 1, eager for Jesus to come.
And Berlin STILL Loves You if you use the street as your personal elf parade, far before cracking open that Advent Calendar. It just assumes you’re kind of a Christmassy always-one-step-ahead fashion whack-job.
… when you pay a visit to the Christmas Market in Potsdamer Platz for traditional “Pfeffernüsse” or “Springerle” cookies…
…Or, when you’re lazy and ragged, you over-stock on Ritter Sport “Einhorn” Holiday Edition.
…And you try to silence the voice in your head that asks if your party clothes still fit.
The night stretches on for nearly forever. But then you wake up wishing for a star, a wise man–anyone to lead you to the truth…
…and all you have is Trump.
Even then, Berlin smiles back.
Berlin just keeps loving you, even if you use your girlfriend’s high-heels, or opt for an Oma skirt.
And, as you know, it’s a city that shows you her love through music.
Lying in wait for the Easter Bunny to save us all. Even if it has to be this one.
Because BERLIN LOVES YOU! And if you love her back, follow #BerlinLovesYou on Instagram.