Rethink Your Xmas Gifts with Moabit’s Gütermarkt this Weekend
By Estelle Lassus . December 6, 2018
Handmade gift stands, up-cycling Xmas workshops, interactive art installations, live music, food and much more.
December 8-9 2018 at ZK/U, Siemensstrasse 27, 10551 Berlin, Germany
GÜTERMARKT Xmas Special is the perfect place for you to prepare for the holiday season without falling into the overly tempting Xmas consumerist craze. Its ethos: hand-made and DIY gifts VS. online shopping; neighbourhood spirit and social projects VS. mass commercial markets with entry fees. Wanna know more?
Not your usual Xmas market.
Part of ZK/U (Zentrum for Kunst und Urbanistik), an unconventional project space bridging artist residencies, an inter- and trans-disciplinary research lab, and venue for various cultural events, the GÜTERMARKT is a monthly hybrid market. Hosting local craftspeople, bike repair or DIY stands, live music, food and workshops, it also serves as a platform for new initiatives and discussions around the themes of urban living and development.
For their Xmas edition, GÜTERMARKT wants to help you find the perfect alternative Xmas gift, whether it’s hand-made, second hand, upcycled or just plain different. And in the meantime, you get to enjoy music, drink Glühwein (of course) and take part in the different workshops offered (from crafting an amateur radio to up-cycling Xmas cards or creating gift packaging with scrap wood). The workshops might be mainly in German though, so come prepared or ask for help with translation if needed.
The Graspomaton – unsuspected art interaction in a booth.
Whilst going around the market, don’t miss out on the Graspomaton, an interactive public installation created by Swiss ZKU resident artist Valentine Emilia Bossert, which will be active on both days, from 3pm to 6pm. Built from reclaimed materials to resemble a vintage photo booth, the Graspomaton invites its audience to sit inside and enjoy a moment of contemplation and self-reflection.
Wishing to explore ways of democratising culture and bringing art out of its white walls, the Graspomaton creates the context for an unconventional encounter between artist and public. In exchange of a few minutes of your time in the booth, you’ll receive a tangible trace of your passage. Discover it for yourself at the GÜTERMARKT this weekend!
SATURDAY 2 – 10 pm
25 MARKET STANDS with various Xmas gifts
- 3-6 pm / Graspomaton @ Halle (Facebook event)
- 3-6 pm / TINT Video Christmas Card @ Conference room
- 2-8 pm / Upcycling Xmas cards held by Offenes Wohnzimmer @ Conference room
- 2-10 pm / Practice-orientated event D23 radio amateurs held by DARC DOK @ Conference room
- 4-5.30 pm / Who Is Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
- 6-7.30 pm / I-Taki Maki
- 8-9.30 pm / Dritte Band
SUNDAY 11 am – 7 pm
25 MARKET STANDS with various Xmas gifts
- 12-3 pm / X-MAS GIFT BOX from scrap wood held by BAUFACHFRAU @ Terasse(Facebook event)
- 3-6 pm / Graspomaton @ Halle (Facebook event)
- 3-6 pm / TINT Video Christmas Card @ Conference room
- 11 am-7 pm / Practice-orientated event D23 radio amateurs held by DARC DOK @ Conference room
- Merrilldesign Beusselstrasse
- Dianamarc.illus
- Puntasecca
- Photochron
- kinddish
- Impressed Jewelry
- InCorpo – sewing
- WollGenuss
- Tulipas Berlin
- ZurQuelle Magazin
- Birgit Blau knitwear
- Yamuna e.V.
- ZusammenWachsen e.V.
- Machbarschaft
- Feministischer Streik
- ZK/U Press
December 8-9 2018 at ZK/U
Siemensstrasse 27,
10551 Berlin
Gütermarkt X-mas special! Facebook Event
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d9707.919344089878!2d13.336468!3d52.533799!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xbfd0e8c6c0336115!2sZK%2FU+(Zentrum+f%C3%BCr+Kunst+und+Urbanistik)!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sde!4v1544095568746&w=300&h=300]
Featured image by Hannes Mitterberger