Walk down any popular Berlin street during a nice day and chances are you’ll hear the sound of music. Songs not from car radios but from actual real-life people! That’s right, musicians making noise and not just in the streets but in parks, on bridges, through train stations and even from inside the train itself. Never take this for granted, because believe it or not, some cities out there don’t see busking as an art the way Berlin sees it.
One musician who didn’t take street playing for granted is Georg auf Lieder. He went from playing the streets of Berlin to being signed to a record deal.
BLY spoke with Georg auf Lieder:
Can you give us a brief history of how you got started?
After playing in a band, I wanted to do my own thing, play my own music as a solo artist. So I moved from Hamburg to Berlin and started playing at Alexanderplatz as a street musician. That wasn’t easy at first, but after a couple of times I really enjoyed it and started making a decent living. I only played my own songs and learned how deeply satisfying it is if people stop and take a couple of minutes out of their day to listen to your music. That’s something I cherish still to this day.
How would you describe your music for those who have yet to hear it?
I’m a German singer-songwriter. My music moves between pop and rock, some quieter songs with deeper, emotional lyrics – and then some real rock-songs with attitude. I’m a very emotional person and, like everyone, I have melancholy moments and then again really fun times. I think that my music reflects this – and, thus, reflects me as an artist and as a person.
You released your second album, Mano Grande, on May 20th. Can you talk about the process of making it?
I had recorded my first album Alexanderplatz in Berlin. This time around, I really wanted to get out of the city – just me, the band and one of my producers. So we booked a studio in Spain and started recording some key tracks. That was wonderful – drums being played outside under the trees, a swimming pool right next to the recording room – paradise! ;-)
What’s happening at Privatclub on June 6th?
At the Privatclub, I’ll be playing a solo show as part of a club tour to the album. I’ll be playing most of the new songs plus a couple of old ones. It’s me and my band, a nice evening full of good music, and we’ll really be rocking the place ;-) Come and enjoy!!
Do you have any Berlin Loves You moments?
Aaaahhh… too many to mention just one ;-) I absolutely love the city!!
Monday June 6th – 19:00 @ Privatclub
Skalitzer Straße 85-86, 10997 Berlin
We have 1×2 tickets to give away. If you’d like to win, drop BLY an email on the address below.
E-mail: win@staging-berlinlovesyou.kinsta.cloud
Subject: Georg auf Lieder Ticket Give-away