Talking about pop-ups, Cheap Monday has taken the concept to a whole new level.
For their 10th birthday, the brand is planning on setting up 10 pop-up stores in 10 different cities, opened for 10 minutes and simply giving away 10,000 pairs of jeans. You read that right, GIVING AWAY 10,000 pairs of jeans.
The action will take place on October 10th, at 10am, at locations chosen by – guess who – you, the people, through a voting system on the Cheap Monday website.
As for the coveted jeans, they will be given away in exchange for social currency (e.g. liking Cheap Monday on Facebook, hash-tagging or mentioning Cheap Monday on Instagram – nothing is really for free in this world, right?).
As for the “10 Minute Pop Up” campaign, it is not only a way to celebrate their ten years of success (a real celebration – the fashion industry is tough!), but also to show their fans they are really appreciated. After all, without their support Cheap Monday would not be able to deliver good designs at affordable prices.
Interested in participating? Voting will be held from the 17th to 27th of September and the results will be announced on the social channels of the brand on the 9th of October.
P.S: Berlin is a little bit behind the race, so let’s vote!