This party stinks!
A lecture, a magazine and a party about smell
What is a good smell? What is a bad smell? Can creating smells be considered an art?
Tomorrow night, world-renowned smell artist Sissel Tolaas will talk extensively about the concept of smell when she launches the latest edition of Mono.Kultur magazine.
The magazine has been printed with special ink that lets off smell when you rub it. The smells aren’t all necessarily nice – and that’s precisely the point. Tolaas wants us to question our perceptions of smell. Following Tolaas’s talk, guests will be able to sample some of her specially-created odors.
The talk takes place from 8pm at HBC in Berlin-Mitte. Entry is 5eu, which includes a copy of the magazine. Several DJs will play before and after, and guests are invited to stay for a party to celebrate the magazine launch.
Sissel Tolaas launches Mono.Kultur magazine
Lecture, Scents and Party
HBC, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9, 10178 Berlin
11.05.2010, 20.00, 5eu