If You’re Really That Bad At Giving Christmas Gifts, Here’s Help
By BERLIN LOVES YOU . December 5, 2017
In this life of missed connections and bad communication, everyone’s pretty wretched at giving gifts. Even you.
Christmas is usually devastating. Whether your mother’s crying, you’re alone and single (and fighting off “when are you going to settle down, anyway?” comments), or you’re sick and bloated from too many cookies, the worst of it doesn’t begin until the gift-giving portion of the afternoon. For most of us, that’s when hell opens its wide, toothy mouth and swallows us whole.
You remember the feigned happiness when you tossed that 2007-iPod at your grandmother, certain she’d “hop on the technology bandwagon.” And when your father ripped open that feminist literature two Christmases ago, he didn’t exactly toss down his hunting rifle and get all up in arms about the women’s workforce, now, did he? Knowing anyone is almost impossible, and knowing anyone’s deepest gift desires–well. It’s more than unlikely.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all given bad gifts. And normally, we’re screwed.
But this year, with Paypal, you can take a good, hard look at the gifts you’ve already purchased, do a bit of baby-Jesus praying for guidance, and then return those gifts FOR FREE, with Paypal. They offer 12 postage returns over 12 months, up to a cost of 25 euros.
This means you won’t be caught in the midst of Christmas gift-giving, red-cheeked as you reveal just how little you really know your family members. No need to glug on the glühwein until Christmas day disappears around you. Paypal will pick up the slack.
Sign up for Paypal here.
Written in cooperation with Paypal.