BERLIN LOVES YOU isn’t just a blog *ahem* online magazine. It’s also a fully Armed and Operational Battle Station for brands and businesses wanting to take their online presence directly to the Berlin market. This is the BERLIN LOVES YOU Lab.
Our laboratory offer a complete service that includes copy and content writing, business and marketing strategy, photography, video filming and editing. If you wanted us to write, direct, film, edit and release a feature film on how ‘Berlin Used to Be Cooler’, we’d do it. It’d be stupid, but we’d do it. And, like most laboratories selling to the Berlin market, we produce smileys by the ton. Guaranteed.
What makes BERLIN LOVES YOU different? We tell Berlin stories. We put your product in the centre of Berlin life, weave you and your values into the patchwork of this vibrant city and communicate your message in a language Berliners understand.
We like working with brands and companies who follow our values of honesty, sustainability, creativity and… not taking life too seriously. We communicate all messages to audiences with wit, humour, style and the likeability factor all grey, faceless companies want yet can never have.
Interested to see what the BLY Lab can do for you? Get in touch with us here: labs@staging-berlinlovesyou.kinsta.cloud