Call for Entries: SLIDELUCK POTSHOW XIV -> for our NY readers/ visitors
By BERLIN LOVES YOU . October 8, 2009
Autumn Greetings!
We are pleased to announce that Slideluck Potshow XIV will be taking place on Friday, November 13, 2009 at The Aperture Foundation in Chelsea and will be co-curated by Lesley Martin, Aperture’s book publisher.
The theme of our fourteenth show in New York City is INSIDE OUT. This could be about being on the outside, looking in. Or it might be about the idea of space: boundaries, architecture, interiority. Give us something against type, that reverses the expected order of things – work that turns things upside down, or rather, INSIDE OUT. The submission deadline is Monday, October 26th and the guidelines can be found here.
For this show, all guests will need to purchase $10 tickets support of both SLPS and The Aperture Foundation. Due to spatial limitations, this event will be considerably more intimate than recent NYC Slidelucks. If you are serious about securing a spot for this show, we invite you to purchase your tickets immediately! If you are serious about showing your support for Slideluck Potshow, please consider becoming a member now.
Friday, November 13th, 2009 | 7pm Potluck | 9pm Slideshow | Afterparty TBA
The Aperture Foundation | 547 W. 27th St, 4th Floor | New York, NY | 10001
$10 Donation Required | RSVP | Submissions Info
Aperture is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of photography in all its forms. Founded in 1952 by Ansel Adams, Dorthea Lange, and Minor White (among others,) Aperture produces a quarterly magazine, has published over 500 books to date, and organizes artist lectures, exhibitions, and panel discussions globally.
In addition to New York, there are a number of other Slideluck Potshows taking place through the fall, in this order: Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa, Chicago, Portland, Austin, New Orleans and Santa Fe. A number of these shows are still accepting submissions, so don’t hesitate to get involved.
Thank you for your time and we hope you’ll help us turn things INSIDE OUT on Friday the 13th!
Warm Regards,
Casey Kelbaugh
Founder & Director
Slideluck Potshow