Blood and Sweat Equity Fight: Earn your part in Chessboxing Global with a K.O. or check mate
By BERLIN LOVES YOU . December 9, 2015
A classical chess boxing match stretches over a maximum of 11 rounds: alternating six rounds of chess, and five rounds of boxing, with three minutes per round. The alloted time for the chess game amounts to a total of 18 minutes, which means each competitor has nine minutes to complete the game. In between the boxing and the chess rounds, there is a 60 second break. The fights are divided into four weight categories, and can be won early by K.O., check mate, judge’s decision or by exceeding the time limit. Unlike most other sports, chess boxing requires both adrenalin and concentration, it takes nerves and muscles of steel. „First rule of chess boxing: Control yourself before your opponent does,“ says Iepe Rubingh about the sport.
As the name suggests, chessboxing combines chess and boxing. Founded in Berlin by Iepe Rubingh in 2003, this competitive sport has become accredited and has been propagated globally by the amateur federation World Chess Boxing Organisation e.V. In 2013 Chess Boxing Global Marketing started building up a professional, global league. Following two sold-out world championships in Moscow and Berlin, founder Iepe Rubingh is ready to take the next step: an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign on Seedrs. The sport’s creators predict a big career for their creation – both financially and athletically, modelled after the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).
Aside from the classical investment form on Seedrs.com, investors can also fight for shares – by challenging the sport’s creator himself on December 12th 2015. With the Blood and Sweat Equity Fight Iepe offers professional Investors that would like to also invest physically, the opportunity to acquire 1% of the company. They can step into the ring personally and fight the founder and CEO of Chess Boxing Global Marketing CBGM GmbH for their shares of the company, blood and sweat included. Be it by check mate or K.O. – if the challenger wins, he receives 1% of the company. If he loses, he has to pay the equivalent value of €38.000.
The Facts:
Blood and Sweat Equity Fight
Place: Platoon Kunsthalle, Schönhauser Allee 9, 10119 Berlin
Date: December 12th 2015
Time: 20:00
Facebook Event for this Saturday
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Seedrs Campaign
In order to approach their ultimate goal of a global league, the Chess Boxing Global Marketing GmbH is initiating an 8-week Crowdfunding campaign starting early next year, aiming to collect €500.000. The company anticipates mainly European investors, but 20 codes are available for interested parties outside of Europe. The young, ambitious team plans to use this capital growth to further professionalize the sport. The major goal is to establish an own worldwide league, and anyone can become a part of this movement.
The UFC’s current rating can be used as an indicator of the development to come: after ten years on the market, the UFC currently has a market value of $3.5 billion. Chess boxing takes the idea of Ultimate Fighting one step further, and as a modern version of this 21st century combat sport, aims to gain similar success as UFC.
If you are interested in owning a piece of the professional chessboxing league visit http://www.chessboxing-
Training for investors and journalists
Of course no one will have to enter the ring unprepared. Anyone interested in taking this challenge is given the opportunity to participate in an exclusive chess boxing training with Iepe Rubingh on three separate occasions. Located in the Berlin Training Hall, these trainings will give interested parties a first-hand glimpse into the world of chess boxing. Whether you are an investor or a journalist, sign up for one of the following dates by contacting: contact@chessboxing-global.com