Berlin’s Urban Sports Club: One Membership, Up to 970 Venues
By Allison Krupp . October 25, 2019
Urban Sports Club caters to the ever-curious mind of us Berliners — and pays us back with hot bods and vibrant minds.
Berlin isn’t awash with health-nuttery. We sputter cigarette smoke from cracked lips, cut our waists tinier with substances. Our organs blob around in beer-y goop. And despite our best intentions, as we dive from our 20s to our 30s to our 40s and beyond (when is adulthood, again?), that lifestyle is sure to yank us back, billow up a belly and then a belly’s belly, and slow us down on that proverbial dance floor of LIFE or whatever.
Enter Urban Sports Club: an all-access membership program that includes countless gyms, fitness, Crossfit, and yoga studios, along with swimming pools, saunas, and climbing gyms across the city and country (along with France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain). It’s a kind of choose your own adventure, pay a single price platform — one handily located on a single app.
And it really is the best way to scour the city, reactivate your mind and body, build strength and just — well — stop all the garbage nonsense you’re doing to yourself (until the weekend rolls around, of course).
Urban Spots Club understands the problem of every Berliner: we want to have it all; we don’t want to choose. If we’re meant to uphold our bodies, find mindfulness, yoga our lives away — then we don’t want to journey to just one locale, just one instructor. We want venues, different ones. And ultimately — with the XL version of Urban Spots Club, you have the option of 970 venues across Berlin. If that ain’t “keeping things open” — then I don’t know what is.
Urban Sports Club offers four options, with four different prices.
I’ve used it myself, and it’s a daydream, truly. I open up the app, which plots out the many, many locations (several within walking distance from where I’m twitching awake on my mattress) and lets me “sign up” for the day — whether I want to lap-swim, blurt out guttural “urghs” whilst lifting heavy iron, climb up a pegged wall, hang with the bros at the Crossfit, or yoga myself into less self-hatred. Listen, there’s something for everyone, and we’re all better for it.
Investigate Urban Sports Clubs’ many options here, and sign up for a membership today. What do you have to lose, besides that belly flub and a bit of anxiety?
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This article sponsored by Urban Sports Club.