BEN ROSS Ars Authentica Exhibition 06. – 20.02.2010 Mo – Sa 12:00 – 19:00 h
By BERLIN LOVES YOU . February 5, 2010
“Hey my name is B.R. and i am German.
The Germns killed many Jews in the past.
What i am about to show you is an exhibition
about the authenticity in our lives.
How authentic is your mother?
How authentic is your country?
How authentic can art be?
Is there something like “authentic” anyway?
Because of theri history the Germans understand authenticity,
the internet knows the meaning of the words as well.
I trust the Germans more than the internet.
So, this is more an exhibition about
bringing back the trust to the people of Germany
than about doing some arty stuff.
If you know what I mean”
Ben Ross 2010
Exhibition 06. – 20.02.2010 Mo – Sa 12:00 – 19:00 h
Torstr. 66, Berlin-Mitte